Posts Tagged ‘Circe’
We Bought Stuff
July 18th, 2013 Posted 7:48 pm
A lot of stuff.
Friday evening, we [Eric, the girls,& I] drove around town and the topic of yard sales came up. Since I had a Saturday morning off, we could all go together. That’s been a rare thing for a good year or so, so I was really excited. Knowing this journey was bound to be special, I set about creating intent for the day, asking each person what they REALLY wanted to find through the day. I wanted pretty mugs and teacups that I could repurpose into candle holders. Whisper wanted shoes – specifically tennis shoes. Ravynn wanted clothes. And Eric was hoping for witchy/pagan items, either for as-is use or for crafting. We wished it, we saw it, we had faith.
The first few stops we made were underwhelming. Set up for collectors and VERY overpriced. I did find a pretty pendant that can be resold after some “cleaning”.
I was very successful in my quest to pick up mugs for candlemaking [now, I need to get to work candlemaking!]. See the 11 mugs that we found:
I didn’t pay more than 50¢ for any of them and most were only a quarter. So… umm… yeah! I’m excited to put them to use, but am mindful of the tasks that must be completed first.
We also, with dancing and giggling, found bundles of silver and gold metallic candles. They reach past the edge of the photo, but all the taper candles you see here were picked up for 50¢. Yeah us. Also a set of candle sticks with a Japanese symbol on them, a VERY retro candle holder [this is Ravynn’s purchase] and a taller candle stick that will mesh perfectly with our overall home decor.
One [??] of the major finds of the day [we actually picked this up at two separate locations]. Tons of loose herbs, stick and cone incense, and a little “herbs” plaque. All picked up for roughly $6. Woo!!
Eric had been saying, during the drive where we set our intentions,that it had been MONTHS since he’d found any decent STAR WARS offerings. Well, lookie here. Some ships, a figure or two, a lot of books, magazines, and several badges from SW Cons.
Catering to our inner geeks, we found these items. Books on Authurian Legend and the prophecies of Nostradamus. A classic Link/Zelda game. A Game of Thrones card game. And comic books featuring Superman and Aquaman. Yes Aquaman – squee!
In addition to the pagan-appropriate goodies found above, Eric lucked out with the crafting wish as well. Several faces [eww!], some plain wooden boxes, easels for displaying his artwork, and that grey case is full of paintbrushes and will give him a good way to store/carry the others he already has. The Needlecraft book is for Ravynn, a gift from a sweet lady who was touched that someone so young was so excited about counted cross stitch.
And we found clothes. The girls are especially pleased with the tennis shoes, flip flops, and Blondie tshirt. They don’t quite understand the awesomeness that is CBGBs 🙂 There was also a fedora, a white baseball cap, and a Notre Dame baseball cap that didn’t make it into the picture.
Here is the big Bats! meow… find. Almost 45 pieces of punk jewelry found for a good price. These will be seen again in a booth display and on the website.
Here we have the “as is” selection of pagan finds. Decorative pieces, vases [one that Eric and I both decided looks like The Goddess”], a giant spider ornament, candle holders, coasters, wall decor, a gorgeous Russian-themed plate, and various rocks/gems.
A walking staff. Just gorgeous. I can’t wait to see it after Eric personalizes it.
I was waiting in the car when this purchase was made. It freaks me out a little and a I made Eric put it in the back of the van for the drive home. Yes that’s where the kids were, but it didn’t freak THEM out. I understand it’ll be used in an art project [but it does look super amazing at the top of that walking staff].
The “other stuff”. Backpack, conditioner, bubble bath, journal, thingie to strap and iPod to your arm for running or biking, stickers and writing paper, chopsticks, and seeds.
And a size 2T Colts jersey. Perfect for the dog, who was so exhausted from the walking we did she couldn’t even raise her head for a picture.
Overall, I call the day a success.
A huge success.
Tags: candles, Circe, herbs, jewelry, magic, pagan, skulls, Star Wars, tea cups, thrift, witch
Posted in Daily Life
22-28/365 [Take 2]
February 26th, 2013 Posted 1:47 pm
One of my goals for the 101 in 1001 Project is to complete the 365 Project – to snap one photo a day for 365 days. I’d started this last year and did very well, but fell off track when Eric took the camera to Burning Man in August.
Here we are. Starting again.

022/365 – Sunday, 17 February 2013
This is what a temp of 104.2 looks like 🙁 Nurse Circe to the rescue.

023/365 – Monday, 18 February 2013
Cilantro for the evening festivities of making paneer

024/365 – Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Happy Birthday sweet baby Pip!

025/365 – Wednesday, 20 February 2013
The book report poster – Edgar & Ellen Under Town

026/365 – Thursday, 21 February 2013
The day’s mail! Two from Moscow 🙂

027/365 – Friday, 22 February 2013
Morning snuggles.

028/365 – Saturday, 23 February 2013
Adjudication. We were busy. I admit, I did not take a photo today, but I’m sharing one sent to me by Ana Hunter. Her daughter is dancing with Alek.
Tags: 365, alek, birthdays, Circe, dance, postcrossing, whisper
Posted in Daily Life
1-7/365 [take 2]
February 5th, 2013 Posted 5:00 am
One of my goals for the 101 in 1001 Project is to complete the 365 Project – to snap one photo a day for 365 days. I’d started this last year and did very well, but fell off track when Eric took the camera to Burning Man in August.
Here we are. Starting again.

001/365 – Sunday, 27 January 2013
The view from my sewing table.

002/365 – Monday, 28 January 2013
My view of Eric’s painting station

003/365 – Tuesday, 29 January 2013
One of the quilt tops we put together over the weekend

004/365 – Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Ravynn after her Munchin character got toasted.

005/365 – Thursday, 31 January 2013
Eric brought the girls flowers after he and Alek helped with Dancing Like the Stars

006/365 – Friday, 01 February 2013
Princess Circe Belle on her throne

005/365 – Saturday, 02 February 2013
Alek baking coconut oatmeal cookies for our little Super Bowl party
Gothling of the Month – February 2013
February 1st, 2013 Posted 5:30 am
February 2013.
Allow us to introduce you to our February 2013 Gothling of the Month.
Circe is the most recent addition to our family. This Boston princess came to us from the Madison County Humane Society in July 2012. Although listed as a stray, she gives no indication that she’s not used to life with a family.
She arrived house-trained, most able [although often unwilling] to sit on command, tolerant of a leash, and with a strong need to snuggle.
She doesn’t even mind playing dress up with the girls.
Tags: Circe, features
Posted in Gothling of the Month
July 20th, 2012 Posted 8:06 am
Exhausting week, it was 🙂
Cleaning means organizing our DVDs! This was Eric’s job and I don’t envy him one bit.

Alek was supposed to be doing yard work… Instead, this.

This picture reminds me of summers in Erie. I miss sunsets over the water.

Not a great picture, but even this one was hard to get. I cleaned out my sewing room [more pictures of that later] to the point that the girls could have a sleepover on the hide-a-bed. This is their view.

Cleaning out my sewing room [so the new dog can room in], I found some old art projects of the kids. Jordan made this a couple years ago. Love it.

Circe joined our family today. She’s fitting right in watching “Pretty Little Liars and snuggling with Ravynn on the sofa.

Now… she poses.
