Just about caught up with the 365 pictures 🙂 This should do it, then I’ll be back on track to post every Sunday.
Alek’s final paperwork ready to head off for his summer intensive. He attended his first real audition in Febrary and was accepted into a relatively high level of class. Unfortunately another dance opportunity kept him from attending the 6-week program.

While Whisper attended a birthday party at a local park, Ravynn and I took a short walk around the walking trail. How lovely that we have a little covered bridge in the middle of the park.

You’ll see a theme. I just adore the wildflowers [weeds?] that grow in central Indiana. They don’t compare to the ones I enjoyed as a child, but some of them are moving our way. I’ll do my best to photograph them as I find them.

More weeds. These tiny little flowers would be welcome all over my property.

Cleaning up the art projects the girls brought home from school. Some are just too big to realistically keep, so we photograph then and keep the pictures.

Walking Man party!! Jordan’s girlfriend created this 10.5′ masterpiece as part of the Waking Man Project. Because it was near dusk, the Anderson Indian didn’t photograph well. One of the goals we have for the summer is to find them all. Watch for photographic evidence.
