Pictures 7-13 of my 365 day project. I’ll be honest, on a few of these days I was sick sick sick, so the girls helped out with the photo taking. I do adore my little princesses.
Sunday was our annual dance recital. Ravynn and Whisper both performed, as did Alek. The picture we chose to represent recital was an impromptu surprise performance that Alek did at the end of one of the younger classes jazz routines. They were dancing to a song from the Grease soundtrack. Here he is as Danny Zucco.

While I WANT to be a master gardener, I’m not. My parents had incredibly green thumbs, but mine are black. The joke is that if you want to kill a plant, hand it to me; however, last fall one of our neighbors gave us 5 pots of raspberry bushes. We dug up a row of earth behind our shed and planted 15 raspberry plants. I understand we shouldn’t expect fruit for several years, but you can see green berries – they’re trying.

One of our neighbors is a great garderer – or at least he hires people who are. I snapped this picture while waiting at the bus stop with the girls. I don’t know what these flowers are, but I wouldn’t mind having some.

Whisper wasn’t really doing homework waiting for the bus, I promise, but she’s a writer. She’s started working on a short project and wanted the moment documented.

Whisper took this picture on day 1 of me not feeling so great. She saw the roses from across the street at the bus stop and thought they were beautiful.

Fever of 104.9. I saw nothing but my feet sticking out from under the covers on the sofa.

I relied on Ravynn to take this photo for me. Again at the bus stop.

Tags: 365, alek, dance, ravynn, whisper, writing
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