Posts Tagged ‘Mother’
The Bat Cave – The Home Tour, part 3
February 15th, 2013 Posted 5:09 am
This installment of the home tour is LONG overdue as I cannot manage to keep my room clean long enough to photograph it. I set a very bad example for my children. Really.
If you missed Part 1 or Part 2, click the links.
The view from the door. The paint looks much darker without the flash, but without the flash, this really does look like a cave.

Basically the view from the door.
Skull and candle on the dresser at the foot of the bed. Not a real skull, I promise 🙂 And a vanilla-scented candle, inspiring me to work on making my own.

A close-up of the dresser at the foot of the bed.
The bookshelf that is rarely ever organized. Sadly it works as a storage unit most of the time. Today, it’s relatively cleaned out.

Full bookshelf
The top. Ignore the cobwebs; I can’t reach that corner.

One of the gargoyles that keeps us safe as we sleep.
Mama’s Teddy Scares and part of my collection of Peter Pan items. Here you see the stack of printer paper that’s found a temporary home…

My Teddy Scares.
Small cabinet that holds most of my mani/pedi stuff. Eric will set books on the top that he thinks I should read.

Tiny cabinet.
It photographs much more cluttered than it really is. Jewelry boxes and candles take up most of the space. There’s also a coaster since I was having tea as I was cleaning and a sticker that has since moved out to my sewing area.

The long dresser.
Big box full of the chunkier jewelry, smaller box holding overflow jewelry, the thinnest box holds treasures from my Mother and Aunt Lois. The ladybug cup was painted by one of my kids for Mother’s day and holds earrings.

Detail. Jewelry and Buddha.
Closeup of a birthday card I received from one of my good friends a couple years ago and a wax tart melter.

Full moon and wicked wax.
Ravynn made me a ring holder during a ceramics unit in school. D12 becasue they make me happy. The bottom of a vase holding pretty rocks, hair sticks, and a tiara.

More candles, a box full of nail polish and the profile of an origami penguin that Ravynn made.

Tall dresser.
Next… the living room.
Happy 2011
January 1st, 2011 Posted 8:59 pm
So often New Year’s celebrations focus more on wishing good riddance to the year just ended than to looking ahead to the year just begun. We look at [and routinely list] the changes we want to make in our lives to make them better, but rarely look at the personal changes that will make us better people. Losing weight is good; living a healthier lifestyle is better. Making more money is good; being happier in our chosen profession is better. At least from where I stand. 🙂
My goals -including my business goals- will be made with personal improvement in mind.
Our celebration was very low key. Kids and I watched a movie while Eric played a game on the computer. About 10 minutes before midnight, we switched the TV to the FOX NY party and counted down the last 30 seconds to the new year together, then toasted with champagne and sparkling juice. A birthday wish to my dear Mother rang out in our home as fireworks echoed down the street.
For many years, my NYE plans included a midnight call to Pennsylvania. This year, though, it was spent explaining to our kids why Grandma doesn’t read the birthday cards we send. That renewed my interest in completing our family tree project. Keeping everyone connected, you know 🙂 And made me promise to take a photo a day throughout the year. Hone my skills and keep me blogging.
Best wishes for health, happiness, and prosperity to you in this new year.
The next week will move us closer to a solid plan for the year.
Tags: 2011, business plan, celebrations, Mother, NYE, promises
Posted in Daily Life, Immediate