Posts Tagged ‘girls’
Shaking in My Docs
October 16th, 2013 Posted 9:50 am
I admit to several slightly irrational fears: clowns; monkeys; the smell of toothpaste [don’t ask]. If you’ve been in earshot anytime within the past 18 years [essentially since I found out I was pregnant the very first time], you’re well aware of another – the biggie: RAISING DAUGHTERS.

Don’t get me wrong. I love these little she-monsters will all my heart. But, having been raised in a house full of women [one mom, one aunt, two sisters, and me] plus my father, I know how difficult we can be. Yes, we. I won’t pretend I’m not part of that equation. I did breathe a sigh of relief when the first two children were boys, but I swear my heart stopped for an instant when Eric looked at Ravynn’s [of course she didn’t have a name until she was three days old, but that is another story for another time] ultrasound screen and announced gleefully, “that’s a girl!” That is was.
Oh my!
I was sure the first decade would go well. But I knew, without a doubt, somewhere not long after that, lurked the crazy. It happens to all of us, without fail, only in different degrees. I expected it to hit my house with a vengeance, especially when less than a year later we welcomed another wee princess.
It’s only a minor exaggeration to say I’ve been living in fear of their 11th birthdays. Ravynn celebrated 12 not long ago Whisper is looking forward to 11 in February. I do see a little crazy waiting for us in the years ahead. Two girls making a path through their teenage years [and high school] at essentially the same time can’t leave anyone entirely unharmed. Mama included.

Fear of this has kept me from agreeing to the much requested slumber party. Until this past weekend. I must have been feeling brave when I agreed to let Ravynn invite her friends over. She is one of a triad of friends. Three very similar young ladies. Similar enough that I didn’t notice the addition. They cleaned up after themselves; they said please and thank you; they were sweet. I had intended to spend my time doing things that would keep me out of their way – because isn’t that what you want at a slumber party?? – but they kept coming to get me and asking if I was going to watch movies or eat with them.
Very sweet, but quite unexpected.
That first sleepover went so well, that I gave in when she asked to schedule another one tonight.
I suspect I may be the crazy one.