Empty Nester – Extraordinaire

creating, living, loving – all in a long black skirt

Too Many Cooks

My children cook. All of them. And they’re very good – and careful. I don’t worry about them burning down my house or seriously hurting themselves. I don’t want the burns or minor cuts, but I do see these small injuries as unavoidable steps in learning.  I’m impressed with their technical skill, but even more that they’re not afraid to experiment.

Jordan has been cooking for years. He started with mac & cheese out of a box and move d to excel in home ec [technically it’s now called Family and Consumer Sciences, but to me… always home ec]. Now he prefers to specialize in soup, which is great. He makes excellent soup and I do not.

The cake!

Alek never showed great interest in the kitchen until this past Christmas break when he wanted to eat thing we just didn’t have in the house. After a couple minutes on Google, he hunted down a recipe for tortilla shells, so he could have burritos. They were amazing.  With boosted confidence, he found a recipe for a from-scratch cake. Also amazing.  I hope this confidence and skill will continue to grow.  After the cookies he made for the Super Bowl, I feel good about the odds.

Ravynn is at a weird stage. She started baking in her Easy Bake Oven several years ago and became a master.  It wasn’t until the bulb broke and we weren’t able to replace it right away that we realized she should just be using the real oven.

Whisper skipped the easy bake and instead focused on the stove and anything she could put over noodles. It’s fairly common to see her pulling random items from cupboards, fridge, or freezer to fry them up in a big pan and pour over steamy pasta.

They’re all very handy and willing to help when mama needs some time away from the kitchen.  They’re also very kind when I want help. Growing up, I always saw a woman’s kitchen as her kingdom/refuge and I resisted anyone else stepping in. This has hurt more than a few feelings.  Now that the monsters are the ones stepping, I realize – too many cooks don’t spoil the soup; too many cooks make superior soup.

But, what’s “too many” anyway?




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This entry was posted on Saturday, February 9th, 2013 at 5:41 am and is filed under Daily Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “Too Many Cooks”

  1. Bats! meow...
    11:04 am on February 9th, 2013

    How timely. This message popped in when I checked email this morning:

    I just wanted to tell you that I was impressed with the cookies that Alek made over the weekend. He is a bright addition to the xth period Nutrition/Wellness class and has a lot of leadership and knowledge to contribute to the class. I also recently learned that he performed in the Nutcracker. I especially enjoyed the performance since I had not attended for several years. You must be very proud of Alek!

    Mrs. G

  2. Belynda
    4:14 pm on February 9th, 2013

    I share my kitchen with Ava 🙂 but the kids – ummm not so much 🙂 I think it skipped a generation in our house.

  3. Bats! meow...
    10:54 pm on February 9th, 2013

    I think it helps that both Eric and I cook. AND with our schedule, the kids have to step in every now and again. Whisper made a weird meal tonight of fried veggies over scrambled eggs, then topped with cheese and salsa. Still, it tasted good 🙂

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