Empty Nester – Extraordinaire

creating, living, loving – all in a long black skirt

Say Yes to Carolyn’s Gypsy Living

My dear friend Carolyn is a gypsy. 

She writes,

“When I first started this blog I had some people raise the question as to whether or not I wanted to identify myself as a gypsy.  Apparently there are some negative thoughts wrapped around the word Gypsy.  I guess historically there has been some rather ‘sketchy’ activities. Webster defines a gypsy ‘as someone living an unconventional life’. Uh, Yeah, that would be ME.  I had some unfortunate financial disasters (due to an accident), and I’ve chosen to embrace this gypsy journey.”

I will admit to having an EXTREMELY romanticized idea of the gypsy culture.  A vagabond lifestyle with myth and magic completely intertwined.  The character of Willa on FOX-TV’s “The Finder” is doing nothing to create a more realistic picture for me. At the same time I know I could never be a gypsy – I’ve never even been ‘real’ camping 🙂

But Carolyn is the real thing.  I’m inspired by her and her journey.  Her story is remarkable.  You can find her via her blog at Carolyn’s Gypsy Living. I encourage you to read and subscribe. 



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